About She

Foto saya
Jakarta, Indonesia
She’s named Naomi La, she was born 29-11-98 so now he still was 13th. She’s is Muslim, she likes Justin Bieber (the singer came from Canada) and Cody Simpson (singer from Australia), also Greyson Chance. She also likes about photography and fashionstyle.


Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

0 minnie mouse
Posting yang beneran !! Yang tadi cuma pengen nampang ajah !! wkwkwkwk.

Ini adalah buku favorit ku.HP -7 , and Malory Towers.

Waktu lagi iseng jam 08.00 WIB

Baju-baju..di obral ay0 diobral ! hehehe..

Jadi inilah yang paling aku suka di kamar..!! Berfoto-foto(tapi foto barang/adekku yah)bukan aku lho !!hihihi..Sebenarnya aku mau foto barang2 tadi pake pita warna-warni..eh tapi males ngiket ..ah ya udah se adanya..Aku foto barang2 ini jam 20.00 WIB

0 minnie mouse
Aah , lagi males posting !! Tapi pengen posting ! And nampang !! hehehehe..ya udah aku foto-foto aja deh ! Dari 10X foto yang bagus cuma ini.Ini juga kan buat foto facebook, and Blog ku ini. Paling twitter juga pake foto ini.hehehehe :D

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

0 minnie mouse
Hi,guys! How are you?In the blog I am now, I wanted to post that are not clear! Hehehe, because there is no idea anymore!




Bute because I decided I wanted to post this is the "BEST"!!!
I believe this will be the "BEST"!!

follow me in @cutenhaomi.ok.

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

With Me

0 minnie mouse

Lagi malez ! Ya udah ph0t0-ph0t0 aja ! Ya begini dech hasilna ! Tapi lumayan2 . Lumayan baguzz gituh ! xexe .. xD ! Waktu itu lagi bete ! Tapi emang punya niad bwat ph0t02 ! Y udah ph0t02 aja dech !dipublikasikan oleh :

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Karate in Curug Nangka

0 minnie mouse

Pemandangan di Curug Nangka yang menurut gwe sih baguzz ! Gimana menurut lue ?
Narciz dikit dund !