About She

Foto saya
Jakarta, Indonesia
She’s named Naomi La, she was born 29-11-98 so now he still was 13th. She’s is Muslim, she likes Justin Bieber (the singer came from Canada) and Cody Simpson (singer from Australia), also Greyson Chance. She also likes about photography and fashionstyle.


Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Picture of Posterisasi

Narsis yeah.? hihihih . maklum lagi cari sinyal gratis di depan rumah sekalian foto-foto. Tuh bukan HANDPHONE - ku lho ! hehehe. HANDPHONE mami ku. Ada Wi-Fi nya jadi enak dipake. EEh kok jadi ngomongin HANDPHONE sich.? ahihihihi. Maklum orang aneh. hohohoho.

2 komentar:

  1. nice photos you have here! Followed!please do follow back in http://outrageous-writer.blogspot.com

  2. Thank you for posting the sweetness of Rhea! But, I've follow your blog!


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